Kazakhstan is a large democratic republic in the center of Eurasia. The favorable geographical location is emphasized by being at the crossroads of the most important trade routes between Asia and Eastern Europe. The economy of the state is considered the strongest among the countries of Central Asia. Kazakhstan is open to foreign investment, which makes it a popular jurisdiction for setting up a business among foreign entrepreneurs.
The most popular Legal Forms - Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
Benefits of registering a business in Kazakhstan :
It offers an affordable cost of living and doing business.
It is one of the fastest growing economies in the world.
It has easy access to the huge Chinese market.
It has excellent trade relations with France, Italy & Netherlands.
It is witnessing an increase in Foreign Direct Investment.
It is known for its diverse natural resources.
It has a promising energy sector contributed to its growing economy.
It is counted as one of the leading exporters of uranium & hydrocarbon.
low tax burden.
You can register a company in Kazakhstan remotely.
Ease of obtainment of a residential permit and citizenship in Kazakhstan.
Companies and individuals in Kazakhstan are required to pay the following taxes:
Income tax, base rate - 15%
Corporate tax rate - 20%
VAT - 12%
Dividend tax is 5-15%
By registering company You must follow such requirements:
Minimum of 1 director and at least 1 founder
Minimum paid-up share capital requirement 1 USD
No requirements for the residency of the director & founder
Legal address with correspondence service 400 USD for 3 months
Name of the company (full name, abbreviated name in Kazakh and, if desired, in English)
Annual filing of financial statements
Registration in all necessary authorities and obtaining tax and identification numbers
Submission of mandatory tax returns and applications to the register of beneficiaries
Consultation on the chosen direction of activity
Possibility to register a company in Kazakhstan remotely
All registration fees
All legal documents must be translated into either Kazakh, which is a state language of Kazakhstan or Russian, which is the 2d official language of the country
Company registration - 1000 USD
Notary and translator services are not included in the price.
If you need to register a company in Kazakhstan with additional services (open a corporate
account, business license), check the total price individually with our lawyers.